Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Summer!

Hello friends and family! We hope you're enjoying the summer so far! We sure have been! The weather is so nice! There's just nothing like a sunny day! Love those blue skies too! Well, a lot's happened since our last posting, as Gavin is continuing to grow so fast! It's so amazing how much more enjoyable certain experiences are with a kiddo! We've gone to the swimming pool, Gavin got his first haircut, and Gavin started crawling! All have been an absolute joy! Matt got to celebrate his first Father's Day, and we got some Bradshaw family photos taken as well.

Matt's traveling has begun to increase much more as it usually does during the summer months. I've continued to work 2 days per week and stay home with Gavin the rest of the time. It's a great schedule. Otherwise, no real news to report.

Below are some pics from the last month!