Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Picture of Baby B

We went to the doctor today and got our first glimpse of baby B. We were excited to hear the heartbeat and actually see the baby. the baby is 3.25 cm, or about the size of a prune but has a strong heartbeat. Unfortunately we were not as far along as we had hoped, about 3 weeks off, but we have a due date of August 21st. That is very close to char's birthday and shaping up to be an eventful month. Char is still feeling nauseous, but we appreciate all the suggestions. We are hoping she will get over the sickness soon so we can start having some fun!

For now, we will settle for the little moments like we had today! Stay posted...

Friday, January 9, 2009

We have an announcment!

Hello everyone! We are very pleased to announce that Charity is pregnant!!! We found out about our little surprise the week before Christmas and wanted to tell family in person before we posted it. So, sorry about the delay but hopefully everyone understands. That's the good news, here is the bad news: Charity is not having much fun.

She is currently sick everyday, not just in the morning. She has no desire for crackers, or anything that would typically settle her tummy. Actually, in a twist of irony for those who know Char well, she really only likes to eat fast food like hamburgers and pizza. She also eats every 2 hours. So, as she tries to get through this rough spot she could use 2 things.

1- Prayer. We always need it but we could sure use your support.

2- Suggestions- We know that Char is not the first to be pregnant, so why re-invent the wheel? Please send us suggestions through e-mail or post a comment with your favorite morning sickness remedy.

We love you all and are very excited to share this journey with you. She doesn't have a belly yet, but we will post pictures in the future.