Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Picture of Baby B

We went to the doctor today and got our first glimpse of baby B. We were excited to hear the heartbeat and actually see the baby. the baby is 3.25 cm, or about the size of a prune but has a strong heartbeat. Unfortunately we were not as far along as we had hoped, about 3 weeks off, but we have a due date of August 21st. That is very close to char's birthday and shaping up to be an eventful month. Char is still feeling nauseous, but we appreciate all the suggestions. We are hoping she will get over the sickness soon so we can start having some fun!

For now, we will settle for the little moments like we had today! Stay posted...


Kaitlyn Altman said...

Man, when you put "Baby B" we thought there were two babies (Baby A and baby B). But then we realized that you meant Baby Bradshaw :) We're so excited for you guys!!!

Unknown said...

I was thinking the same thing... that there was two! Hope you start feeling better very soon! Can't wait to watch this little one grow!

Jessica said...

Awwwah, This picture made me cry and smile. I wish I was there to watch your belly grow and be the one you could vent to. I miss you! And you, Matt and baby b are in our prayers. Hopefully baby b will stop making you so sick.

Ashley Allred said...

Hey guys! It was soooo good to see you at breakfast the other day. I want to call you Charity but I'm a nerd and somehow lost your number. Anyway....I meant it about calling me for ANYTHING! Please! I want to help in any way. I'm sorry you're so sick. I'm going to take Teigen for a walk in a little and we'll stop by to see if you're home. Hugs and Prayers, Ashley A.

Ashley Allred said...

oh yeah and our blog is: