Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gavin Turned 2!!!

Hard to believe that our baby boy is 2!  Time flies!  This year, we had a party at the Aquatic Center with goldfish as a snack and fish cupcakes as a dessert!  Too fun!  Enjoy the pics!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What's new?

Greetings!  Long time no write!  Wow, you have a kiddo, and life just seems to get busier!  Priorities definitely change, as I have not posted since April!  Anyways, life is good.  At this point in our lives, Matt is in Africa, Charity is on the hunt for a new adventure in nursing, and Gavin is about to turn 2!  What a crazy, fun, and emotional time!  Though at times we become weary of the day to day responsibilities, we find great joy in small things like going for bikerides, looking for creatures, feeding birds, reading books before bedtime, and sitting on the porch at dusk eating ice cream as the loudness of the day begins to quiet down.  Though it seems to become more and more difficult to make time for those moments amongst all the "things to do," we're trying!!!  Hope you're finding some time to make sweet memories in the chaotic days of your life as well!  We love you all!  Enjoy the pics!