Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More excitement...

Hello again! Well, in the last week, quite a bit has happened!

From the sound of it, Matt really enjoyed himself in Mexico! When he got home, although he was quite tired, he was very excited about the future in Mexico Missions! After Juarez, Matt had a one-and-a-half day break, in which we were able to get a lot done; specifically, we found both an apartment and a house! Basically, we will be moving into an apartment where we will stay for 3 months. Then, sometime in September, our home will be ready for move-in! Yeah! Yet again, God has provided! After that short break, Matt left for Louisville, where he is currently taking a week-long course at the seminary. I sure do miss my hubby!

My trip to Farmington was a ball. I was able to spend quality time with the familia, which was the goal! Since coming back from there, I've done a bit more traveling to Los Lunas and Las Vegas, NM. In Los Lunas, I was able to see lots of family at my sister Jen's baby shower, which was really special. In Las Vegas, I was able to go to my cousins, Pammy and Glenn's house, where I got to play with their 3 month old baby, Selah, feed and pet their horses, feed chickens, and collect chicken eggs. It was so fun!

In the last few days, I've begun applying for jobs. There's nothing I'm necessarily set on doing, although I do have a desire to do something a little different than what I've done the last 4 years. We'll see what comes of the applications! I'll do my part in applying and let God do the rest. Eagerly awaiting His plans!

Lastly, I recently joined a Bible Study with some women at the church, and boy, do I love it?! It's been a while since I've been challenged in a study, and I'm so excited about it. The study we're doing is by Beth Moore, entitled, "Stepping Up!" Basically, it's challenging us ladies to take the next step in our walk with Christ. Already, in the short time we've met, God has done some amazing things. It's so fun to watch Him work! I'll tell you more about it as the study goes on! God is so good!

Well, I've gotta go for now. Keep in touch.

Love ya,

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