Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gavin's 2 month checkup!

Hello all! How's it going? The Bradshaw's are doing well. Although still learning so much with our new baby boy, we're starting to get the hang of some things and adjusting pretty well! Thank you, Jesus!

So, Gavin just turned 2 months old! Oh, how the time flies! I know you all said it would, but I guess with some things, you just don't believe it until you're there. We're still having so much fun! Gavin is smiling much more, cooing, and quite a bit more active than before! Some of his favorite things to do are suck on his fist and forearm, watch the mobile while he lays in his swing, stare at the fan whether still or going round, stretch as long as he can when he's waking up, and pee all over himself and the walls when we're changing his diaper. That last one's not so fun! :) He's not quite at the point of sleeping through the night, but according to the MD, it's usually when babies are about 15 pounds that they do that! Gavin measured at 10 1/2 pounds today and was 22 1/4 inches long. He is at the 25th percentile for everything, and they say he's doing great! He got a few immunization shots today and was a champ! He's only cried for seconds. It was amazing! What a trooper! We're so proud!

Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the pics!



Kaitlyn Altman said...

He's so handsome! I'm glad you guys are doing well! Can't wait to see you!

Bradshaw's said...

Thanks, Kaitlyn! Can't wait to see you either! One more week!

Nathan and Meg said...

Awwwww, precious!!!! I am glad you posted pictures so we could see him and YOU!!!! Glad things are going well!!